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The Sleep Center

at Middletown Medical


Your physician may refer you to our Sleep Center where you will participate in a sleep study.  A sleep study (also called a polysomnogram) is a test that records your physical state during various stages of sleep and wakefulness.  It provides data that is essential in evaluating sleep and sleep-related complaints, such as identifying sleep stages, body position, blood oxygen levels, respiratory events, muscle tone, heart rate, amount of snoring and general sleep behavior.

The Sleep Center at Middletown Medical accepts adult and adolescent patients.

Schedule an appointment by phone or chat:


Our Facilitates

The Sleeping Center is located at 75 Maltese dr. Middletown NY.  The sleeping rooms are comfortable with full size (not hospital) beds. A room with a queen-size bed is available upon request. Each room has a television.

How Can I Benefit?

If you experience any of the following symptoms, then you could benefit from a sleep study:

  • Snoring loudly
  • Stop breathing or gasp for breath during sleep
  • Feel sleepy or doze off while watching TV, reading, or driving
  • Have trouble sleeping more than three nights a week
  • Experience interruptions during your sleep (example: heartburn, bad dreams, discomfort)

Sleep is an essential part of life. Without it, your body suffers emotional and physical damage, including various increased physical risks for your heart and brain, as well as a decline in your overall well-being. If you are properly treated for a sleep disorder, you can experience:

  • Decreased risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and many other chronic illnesses
  • Improved memory, concentration, and learning capabilities
  • Boost in your immune system
  • Improved mental and emotional health

Why Choose Us

AASM-LogoOur Sleep Center is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), the gold standard by which the services provided by a sleep center are evaluated. Our physicians and staff follow stringent standards established by the AASM to provide the best care for those with sleep-related problems or disorders.

What To Expect

After changing into comfortable sleep wear, a staff member, called a polysomnographic technician, will connect you to the electrodes that will record your brain waves and muscle movements throughout the night. The electrodes are placed in specific areas and applied with water-soluble glue and tape. The electrodes record brain waves, muscle movement, rapid eye movement (REM), air intake and more. A microphone attached to your neck records snoring and two belt-like straps around the chest and lower abdomen monitor muscle movement during breathing. Patients are videotaped throughout the night as part of the monitoring process. Despite all of the equipment, most people say it doesn’t disrupt their sleep. After settling into bed, your technician may go to a monitoring room and ask you over an intercom to perform certain tasks that will show the electrodes are recording properly. You will be observed on a television monitor during the night to allow the technician to note your body movements during sleep. When everything is working properly, the lights will be turned off and you can go to sleep. Many patients are so chronically tired that they have no problem falling asleep. While you are sleeping, your brain waves will be recorded to determine when you are awake or in Stage 1, 2, 3, 4 or REM sleep. For some patients who have sleep apnea, the effects of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) are evaluated. Usually these are patients who have had a previous sleep study to diagnose the condition. During the CPAP study, everything is done as for a diagnostic study. In addition, a mask is fit around either the nose or the nose and mouth together. During sleep, we attempt to find a pressure level that holds the airway open and lets the patient get a good night’s sleep.

How To Prepare

Sleep studies are generally easy to tolerate, comfortable for the patients and give the referring physician the information he or she needs to accurately diagnose and treat the sleep disorder.

List of things to do the day of your test

  • Wash and dry your hair on the day of your sleep test.  Try not to use any hair products such as gels, hairspray or heavy conditioners because it may prevent the electrodes from sticking to your scalp.
  • Remove nail polish and/or artificial nails from at least two fingers.  The oximeter that is placed on your finger to monitor blood oxygen levels reads this information through the nail, so any polish or acrylic will not provide an accurate reading.
  • Do not wear makeup.  Some electrodes are on the face so this area must be clean in order to get a good connection.
  • Generally, you are encouraged to get a normal night’s sleep before the test unless instructed otherwise by your physician.  Continue to take your regular medications and limit caffeine intake the day of your test.

In The Morning

You will be released between 5am and 6am. Our study requires that you get at least six hours of sleep. When you are awake, the electrodes will be removed.

Once the sleep study is completed, it is scored by a scoring technologist and sent to a sleep specialist for interpretation. This entire process can take seven to ten days. The interpretation is sent to the physician who ordered the sleep study and appropriate follow-up is arranged.

Schedule an appointment by phone or chat:


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