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Ticks, Lyme Disease & Pets . . .

We live in a region ripe with ticks and the potential for Lyme Disease. Dr. Jonathan Weiss (Internal Medicine, Pulmonology) notes this season’s crop of ticks are particularly small, so check more closely than ever . . . And also remember that ticks like to burrow...

Friday Fun Facts!

1) Your brain weighs 2% of your total body weight, but uses 20% of your body’s energy; 2) The egg is the largest human cell, and once it’s fertilized, all other cells begin forming; 3) There are 26 billion cells in a newborn baby, and 50 trillion cells in an...

Ten Hut!

  Physical Therapist George Giovannone notes that poor posture can not only cause rounded shoulders, backaches and swayback, but it may also keep your internal organs from working properly.

All About Blood!

Some fun facts about blood: 1) 71% of all American have either O+ or A+ blood type; 2) Blood type is inherited, like eye color; 3) In China, more than 99% of the population has Rh+ blood; 4) While humans have 32 known blood types, cows have about...

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