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Can Achy Joints Really Forecast The Weather?

Maybe! A recent study at the Illinois Bone and Joint Institute noted that a change in barometric readings may be part of the reason: Atmospheric pressure often drops right before bad weather sets in; this shift could cause body tissue to expand, which can lead to...

Are Women Really Usually Colder Than Men?

Apparently yes! According to a recent Georgetown University study, woman have a higher percentage of body fat and conserve more heat around the core. This helps keep vital organs nice and toasty, but not the extremities — and when your hands and feet feel cold,...

Happy Hanukkah!

Here’s wishing a very Happy Hanukkah to all those who celebrate 😉

More Strange But True Health Facts

1) We have between 2-4 million sweat glands to keep our body temperatures regulated; 2) Our body is made up of 1.6 trillion skin cells, and we lose and replace between 30,000-40,000 a hour; 3) The human thighbone is stronger than concrete, and capable of supporting 30...

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