All, In the News
And BIG THANK YOU once again to our wonderful patients! (Published October 14, 2014)
All, In the News
From Modest Beginnings To 14 Locations, Multi-Specialty Services, 350 Employees & More . . . Back in the Fall of 1984, Dr. Rajan Gulati was the well-respected Director of the Emergency Department at the now-closed Horton Memorial Hospital in Middletown. After a...
All, General Health Tips
We encourage everyone to educate themselves on the Ebola epidemic, and have posted a direct link to the CDC website here at the bottom of the homepage for the latest news and updates. Please visit
All, Fun Health Facts
Some interesting health facts to impress your friends with over the weekend: 1) In a lifetime, the heart pumps about 1 million barrels of blood; 2) Your thigh bone is stronger than concrete; 3) The average person falls asleep in about 12-14 minutes; 4) The average...
All, General Health Tips
According to Dr. Bonnie Seecharran, one of our highly-respected Cardiologists who also serves as Director of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program at Orange Regional Medical Center . . . Just three years after a person quits smoking, their chance of having a heart attack...
All, General Health Tips
Fall is a great time to purge and host a garage sale. Some quick tips: 1) Price everything (often shoppers will not bother to ask a price and simply walk away); 2) Put big, bright signs on each end of your road (and be sure to remove them afterward!); 3) Clean all...