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From Modest Beginnings To 14 Locations, Multi-Specialty Services, 350 Employees & More . . . Back in the Fall of 1984, Dr. Rajan Gulati was the well-respected Director of the Emergency Department at the now-closed Horton Memorial Hospital in Middletown. After a...

Ebola updates now available here . . .

We encourage everyone to educate themselves on the Ebola epidemic, and have posted a direct link to the CDC website here at the bottom of the homepage for the latest news and updates. Please visit

Some Friday Fun Facts . . .

Some interesting health facts to impress your friends with over the weekend: 1) In a lifetime, the heart pumps about 1 million barrels of blood; 2) Your thigh bone is stronger than concrete; 3) The average person falls asleep in about 12-14 minutes; 4) The average...

Yet Another Reason To Quit Smoking . . .

According to Dr. Bonnie Seecharran, one of our highly-respected Cardiologists who also serves as Director of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program at Orange Regional Medical Center . . . Just three years after a person quits smoking, their chance of having a heart attack...

Fall Cleaning For A Garage Sale . . .

Fall is a great time to purge and host a garage sale. Some quick tips: 1) Price everything (often shoppers will not bother to ask a price and simply walk away); 2) Put big, bright signs on each end of your road (and be sure to remove them afterward!); 3) Clean all...

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