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Today Is American Diabetes Alert Day

This annual initiative serves as a one-day “wake-up call” to encourage taking a Diabetes Risk Test to find out your risk for Type 2 Diabetes, according to Dietician and Diabetes Educator Kristine Bihun, R.D.N., C.D.E. To take the test, visit...

Spring Springs Tomorrow!

Spring is officially here tomorrow at 6:45 p.m. ET! Also called the “Vernal Equinox,” it’s one of just two days annually (the other being the Autumnal Equinox in September) when the sun rises due east and sets due west. (Published March 19,...

Today Is World Kidney Day

According to our Dr. Narender Goel (Nephrology), this annual event aims to raise awareness of our kidneys to our overall health. And Dr. Goel encourages everyone to visit to read more about “The 8 Golden Rules” of proper kidney care. (Published...

It’s National Craft Month!

Crafting has been proven to reduce stress and bring families closer together, among other health benefits. What’s YOUR favorite craft? Have a favorite craft website to share HERE with us? LET US KNOW!...

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