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Friday Fun Facts!

1) Chewing a stick of sugarless gum for a few minutes a day can actually stimulate your saliva secretion and help to clean your teeth; 2) Each human ear has more than 25,000 tiny hair cells to help us hear every sound; 3) If the human eye was a digital camera, it...

Friday Fun Facts!

1) Your brain weighs 2% of your total body weight, but uses 20% of your body’s energy; 2) The egg is the largest human cell, and once it’s fertilized, all other cells begin forming; 3) There are 26 billion cells in a newborn baby, and 50 trillion cells in an...

All About Blood!

Some fun facts about blood: 1) 71% of all American have either O+ or A+ blood type; 2) Blood type is inherited, like eye color; 3) In China, more than 99% of the population has Rh+ blood; 4) While humans have 32 known blood types, cows have about...

Friday Fun Facts!

1) Your lungs are light enough to float on water; 2) Muscle doesn’t really weigh more than fat — it’s just more dense; 3) Each eye has 120 million rods (which helps you see in black & white), and 6 million cones (which helps you see in...

That Makes Sense!

We have five sense organs that take in information from our environment and send it to our brain: Sight (eyes), Hearing (Ears), Smell (Nose), Taste (Tongue) and Touch (Skin). Your brain then processes the information and tells your body how to...

Friday Fun Facts!

1) Each muscle fiber is thinner than a hair and can support up to 1,000 times its own weight; 2) There are 45 miles of nerves in the skin of a human being; 3) Every square inch of human skin consists of 25 feet of blood vessels.

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