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Spring Clean Your Fitness Routine!

A few simple steps from our Dr. Jennifer Reich (Primary Care) to kickstarting your fitness plan in anticipation of the warmer weather approaching: 1) Dedicate yourself to 30 minutes of exercise a day (even walking), six days a week; 2) Treat yourself to new running...

Adjusting To Daylight Savings Time

Dr. Jennie Luna (Endocrinology) offers these tips to best adjust to the time change for at least a few days: 1) Limit caffeine, so your body can adjust naturally; 2) Limit TV and electronic devices before bed (they make falling asleep tougher); 3) Take advantage of...

Friday Fun Facts!

1) We spend roughly 1.2 years of our lives with our eyes shut from blinking; 2) Babies start dreaming even before they’re born; 3) The average human drinks 16,000 gallons of water in a lifetime! (Published March 6, 2015)

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