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Can Achy Joints Really Forecast The Weather?

Maybe! A recent study at the Illinois Bone and Joint Institute noted that a change in barometric readings may be part of the reason: Atmospheric pressure often drops right before bad weather sets in; this shift could cause body tissue to expand, which can lead to...

Are Women Really Usually Colder Than Men?

Apparently yes! According to a recent Georgetown University study, woman have a higher percentage of body fat and conserve more heat around the core. This helps keep vital organs nice and toasty, but not the extremities — and when your hands and feet feel cold,...

Happy Hanukkah!

Here’s wishing a very Happy Hanukkah to all those who celebrate 😉

More Strange But True Health Facts

1) We have between 2-4 million sweat glands to keep our body temperatures regulated; 2) Our body is made up of 1.6 trillion skin cells, and we lose and replace between 30,000-40,000 a hour; 3) The human thighbone is stronger than concrete, and capable of supporting 30...

More Strange But True Health Facts!

1) Your feet have more than 500,000 sweat glands and can produce more than a pint of sweat a day; 2) The air from a human sneeze can travel 100 miles per hour or more; 3) Fingernails grow fastest on the hand you write with, and on the longest fingers; 4) Your left...

The Health Benefits Of Gingerbread :)

According to Real Simple magazine, the ginger root in gingerbread . . . . . . can aid in digestion (soothing stomach aches), . . . help with menstrual cramps and morning sickness, . . . can relieve nausea associated with motion sickness, . . . and can even assist some...

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