1) Enamel, found on our teeth, is the hardest substance in the human body; 2) There are more than 300 million capillaries in your lungs — if stretched tip to tip, they would reach from Atlanta to Los Angeles; 3) Exercise is more effective at increasing your...
MIDDLETOWN, N.Y. (May 21, 2015) — With the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act upon us, the Urgent Care Association of America (UCAOA) has declared May as Urgent Care Awareness Month. And Middletown Medical’s Urgent Care Centers in Middletown, Chester and...
One of MANY benefits to eating green vegetables is they contain very low amounts of carbohydrates, and the carbs in there are compiled with layers of fiber, making them easy to digest! (Published May 21, 2015)
From our Dietitian and Diabetes Educator Kristine Bihun, M.S., R.D.N., C.D.E.: 1) Asparagus (high in glutathione, which has cancer-fighting benefits); 2) Avocados (rich in monounsaturated fat, which is vital for energy); 3) Celery (the best vegetable source of...