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BACK TO SCHOOL can also mean . . .

 . . . back to unexpected illnesses and injuries for children! Remember we’re here to help 7 days a week in Middletown and Chester with our Immediate Medical Care and Pediatric Express services. Click the photo to the right for complete details. (Published...

Soccer Safety Tips For Kids . . .

Now is the time of year when many children are playing soccer.  Some safety tips from Dr. Maria Reyes, one of our fantastic Pediatricians: 1) Although generally not required by most area leagues, always wear a mouthguard; 2) Always warm up before playing with a few...

The Importance Of Asking For Help .. .

Asking for help — no matter the issue — is a sign of strength, not a weakness. Holding things in only make matters worse. Confide in someone you trust, and it can only help you to deal more effectively. (Published September 9, 2014)

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