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It’s National Drug Facts Week

This national health observance is geared toward teens to promote local events that use National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) science to shatter the myths about drugs. For more information and valuable materials/resources, visit

Friday’s Health Facts!

1) The average person falls asleep in 12-14 minutes; 2) The average person walks the equivalent of twice around the world in a lifetime; 3) Kissing can aid in reducing tooth decay, as the extra saliva helps in keeping the mouth clean; 4) A headache and inflammatory...

More Brain Power Food For Kids!

Following up yesterday’s suggestions from Dr. Stuart Tashman, Director of our Pediatric Express Center in Chester: 7) BROWN RICE (also helps with sleep); 8) SWEET POTATOES (also prevents obesity and diabetes, and great for a sweet tooth); 9) CARROTS (boosts immunity,...

It’s National Hug Day!

This annual event is now celebrated internationally, and encourages everyone to hug family and friends more often. Hugging has proven to be essential for overall mental and emotional well-being, such as improving psychological development, boosting your immune system,...

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