All, Awards, In the News
MIDDLETOWN, N.Y. (January 20, 2015) — Middletown Medical, the Hudson Valley’s premier provider of healthcare services, is proud to announce that its Middletown Urgent Care Center (111 Maltese Drive) has earned recertification for excellence from the Urgent...
All, Fun Health Facts
1) There are at least six universal facial expressions. They are: happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, anger and surprise; 2) One third of all cancers are preventable; 3) Speaking of one third, smokers can lose that amount of their everyday memory; 4) Your body uses 300...
All, Calendar Events
This all-important initiative is a reminder to make sure your home is safe from radon, which you can’t see, smell, or taste, but is the leading cause of lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers in America — claiming the lives of approximately 21,000 Americans each...
All, General Health Tips
Some other useful tips for lip balm from 1) Treats dry cuticles (keeps them moisturized and prevents hangnails); 2) Soothes minor scratches or cuts (and helps to heal quicker); 3) Helps with dry skin (apply into your fingers and gently rub into dry...
All, General Health Tips
According to the California Milk Processor Board, creators of the popular “Got Milk?” campaign, a glass of milk is stacked with calcium, which not only helps your muscles unwind, it also controls your body’s creation of melatonin, which helps to regulate...