All, Calendar Events, Children's Health, General Health Tips
Our optometry staff reminds us that eye protection is strongly encouraged for most sports activities — a good reminder for us and our children as we enter the warmer weather! For more information, visit...
All, General Health Tips, Stress Reduction
Dr. Jennie Luna (Endocrinology) notes that the warmer your body is, the more calories are used up and fat burned off. In fact, getting hot and active in a yoga session also helps release the same natural high endorphins you get from a high impact cardio workout!...
All, General Health Tips, Stress Reduction
Researchers have found that being in a strong relationship helps strengthen the immune system, reduces depression and helps you live longer. (Published April 6, 2015)
All, Food Facts, General Health Tips
The saying used to go like this, an apple a day keeps the doctor away . . . but in fact, two is better! Research shows that women who snack on dried apples every day — or two fresh apples — saw a drastic drop in bad cholesterol. (Published March 31,...
All, General Health Tips, Stress Reduction
Who else but Martha Stewart to offer these great tips? . . . 1) Make the beds; 2) Manage clutter; 3) Sort the mail; 4) Clean as you cook; 5) Wipe up spills as they’re fresh; 6) Sweep the kitchen floor. What else do YOU do? Share it HERE! (Published March 26,...
All, General Health Tips, Stress Reduction
Some tips from Dr. Anthony Martini (Primary Care) of our Warwick office for energizing your well being now that spring is officially here: 1) Get organized (home, office, car, etc.); 2) Open the windows and air out your home (this can have a calming effect); 3) Make...