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Thursday Fun Facts . . .

It’s time for more offbeat health facts from the “Betcha Didn’t Know” department: 1) Like fingerprints, everyone has a unique tongue print; 2) Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin an hour, which works out to around 105 pounds of skin by the age of 70; 3) There...

The Benefits Of Eating Kale . . .

Kale is all the rage lately, and for good reason, according to Kristine Bihun, RDN, CDE, one of our talented Dietitians: 1) Low in calorie, high in fiber and zero fat; 2) High in Vitamins K (aids in normal bone health, as well as minimizing blood clotting) and A...

How To Keep Your Fitness Goals!

Dr. Arpine Saribekyan, one of our Board Certified Family Medicine Physicians who also specializes in Palliative Care, offers these great tips toward keeping your fitness goals: 1) Create small, realistic goals (focus weight loss in 5 pound increments, for example); 2)...

October Is National Physical Therapy Month . . .

 . . . Which is the perfect time to celebrate the recent addition of George Giovannone Physical Therapy to our team! His practice at 1219 Dolsontown Road in Middletown is now part of Middletown Medical. He’s been in operation since 1992, and always welcomes new...

The Benefits Of Apples . . .

It’s apple picking season in these parts, and here’s some little-known reasons why apples are so good for you: 1) Whiter & Healthier Teeth (apples produce saliva, which reduces tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria); 2) Vitamin C (an apple provides 14% of...

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