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Remember To Fall Back This Weekend!

Daylight Savings Time ends this Saturday night/Sunday morning, and it’s always recommended to start going to bed 15 minutes earlier over the next few nights in order to adjust. And while you might not enjoy leaving the office in the dark, the extra light in the...

Workout Motivation Tips That Really Work!

Some effective — and perhaps unconventional — workout motivation tips: 1) Give yourself just 5 minutes to work out (a guarantee you’ll want to keep going); 2) Sleep in your workout clothes (this motivates you to get that morning workout in and feel great...

Halloween Safety Tips . . .

IT’S HALLOWEEN WEEK! . . . And here’s some SAFETY TIPS from Kirsten Tandberg, a Certified Physician Assistant in our Middletown and Chester offices: 1) Plan costumes for your children that are bright and reflective; 2) Have a safety light or flash light to avoid falls...

The Holidays Are Coming!

So Christmas is just 62 days away (and 53 for the start of Hanukkah) . . . here’s a few tips to begin preparing so you can enjoy! 1) Start cleaning out clutter from your home; 2) Create a realistic budget; 3) Exercise regularly (walking is great) to feel good...

Thursday Fun Facts . . .

It’s time for more offbeat health facts from the “Betcha Didn’t Know” department: 1) Like fingerprints, everyone has a unique tongue print; 2) Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin an hour, which works out to around 105 pounds of skin by the age of 70; 3) There...

The Benefits Of Eating Kale . . .

Kale is all the rage lately, and for good reason, according to Kristine Bihun, RDN, CDE, one of our talented Dietitians: 1) Low in calorie, high in fiber and zero fat; 2) High in Vitamins K (aids in normal bone health, as well as minimizing blood clotting) and A...

How To Keep Your Fitness Goals!

Dr. Arpine Saribekyan, one of our Board Certified Family Medicine Physicians who also specializes in Palliative Care, offers these great tips toward keeping your fitness goals: 1) Create small, realistic goals (focus weight loss in 5 pound increments, for example); 2)...

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