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Black Friday Health Tips

If you’re partaking in today’s shopping adventures, please consider these health tips: 1) Eat a healthy breakfast for proper energy; 2) Bring snack bars that are high in protein to keep that energy up, as well as fresh fruit to keep your blood sugar levels...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Remember the spirit of Thanksgiving . . . a time to be thankful 🙂 In fact, a recent University of California at Davis study showed that people who regularly practice feeling thankful — those who adopt an “attitude of gratitude” — experience...

How To Eat Healthy On Thanksgiving . . .

Endocrinologist Dr. Jennie Luna offers this suggestion for a delicious and healthy meal tomorrow without overindulging: . . . Fill half your plate with vegetables and fruit . . . . . . a quarter of it with mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes . . . . . . and a quarter of...

It’s Time To Be Thankful!

Dr. Stuart Tashman, Director of our Pediatric Express Center in Chester, reminds us this is a time to be mindful of all the good in your life. Make it a point to enjoy the week from a healthy standpoint. Make time for physical activity. Walks are a great thing to do...

Friday Fun Facts . . .

1) Stress causes or complicates 90% of all diseases; 2) During a sneeze, all of your bodily functions momentarily stop, even your heart; 3) There are 5 million scent receptors inside the human nose; 4) The brain operates on the same amount of power needed to light a...

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